Newfs in Literature

Listed below are all the significant references I have found so far to Newfoundland dogs in literature. This section of the site is further divided into three categories:

Newfoundlands in Fiction and Poetry
This section lists works of literature (English/American works of fiction or poetry) in which a Newfoundland is referenced.

Newfoundlands in Non-Fiction
This section presents early non-fiction works dealing with the history/origins of Newfoundlands or otherwise relating real-life Newfoundland exploits. While many of these works are books on natural history or on dogs specifically, this section also includes other forms of non-fiction such as travel narratives, newspaper articles, and legal documents. Note that recent "life with Newfies" stories (such as the popular collection Ninety-Nine Newfies by Pat Seawell, its sequel Ninety-Nine More Newfies, or Rhoda Lerman's In the Company of Newfies), "coffee-table" books, and modern informational / training books are not covered here. Yet, anyway.

Newfoundlands in Young Reader / Young Adult Literature
This section lists works for younger readers in which a Newfoundland is one of the major characters in the narrative.

In all sections, works are listed chronologically by year of publication / creation.

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Thanks to those who have sent in suggestions for this site — MaryLou Zimmerman, Annie Milliron, PamY, Linda Roderick, Marne Burke, Cindy, Priscilla Hensel, and those I've forgotten — and thanks to Eileen Morgan, whose long-ago "Newf Trivia" posting on the NEWF-L discussion list got this project going. Thanks also to Prof. Mitsuharu Matsuoka of Nagoya University in Japan, whose Victorian Literary Studies Archive's Hyper-Concordance helped me find many of the titles listed in the literature section of this site.

If you know of any other works that should be listed here, or if you see something that needs correction, please don't hesitate to send me an email.