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Newfoundland and Labrador Retriever (2003)
(bronze with steel skeleton; 1.5x life-size)

Luben Boykov

Boykov (b. 1960) is a Bulgarian-born artist and scultor who now divides his time between Canada, Italy, and Bulgaria.

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photo credit: Fenella Rook Smith

The statue of a Newfoundland and a Labrador Retriever pictured above is in Harbourside Park, St. John's, Newfoundland, and was commissioned to honor the two native breeds of the Canadian province now known as "Newfoundland and Labrador."

Boykov made a copy of this statue in 2008 (see below); it stands on a high point about two-thirds of a mile away from the first statue, on the grounds of the Johnson GEO Geological Interpretive Center. The dogs are positioned so they are looking out over the St. John's harbor in the direction of the original statue.

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photo credit: Kate St. John

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